Monday, March 24, 2008


Alright, since I actually encounter this problem very often, despite never having been on a street car, train, or any other form of TTC, I have experienced it.

My current problem is with the Street car;
There is law that requires you stop and wait if a street cars doors are open. Although these laws are "strongly enforced",in the past 2 years I have been driving, I've not seen many people actually stop. I do, and when I do, ignorant drivers get annoyed with me, because apparently they are in such a huge rush they can't wait for the people getting off the street car.

I stop, as everyone should, when I saw the doors of a street car open. An already very enraged (from what I could tell by the way he was driving) man in a beamer has to stop behind me. My guess was that he didn't want to stop, or he had no clue of the law in place that says you must stop. Anyways, he waits for a moment, but decides to be a complete ass hole and try and go around me by using the parking on the side of Lakeshore Rd as a lane. Me being the driver that i am, i like to let someone know when i think they are driving ignorantly. I noticed that the doors of the street car were closing and said street car was starting to pulling forward, so with my hand pressed firmly on my horn, i began to tailgate the offending driver. Of course he only made it about 30 meters ahead of the street car and turns left, as he is doing so he's obviously yelling at me and giving me the finger. Being the big, tough man he was to give the finger and swear at a teenager, he was wearing full out winter ensemble, including really thick gloves and a toque with a plump, fuzzy ball atop it.

So that whole event really got me angry and got me thinking. TTC really needs to either increase the size of the signs that say it's a law to stop, because honestly they aren't noticeable unless you happen to be looking directly at it. Or, they just need to have law enforcement come down heavier on the people that do it.

But I honestly think the biggest problem is people don't know, I didn't know, until someone in front of me stopped and I had now clue why they were stopping until i looked directly at the street car.

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