Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Really Clever

(Images are examples from the blog)

I love billboards, I have always been fascinated by them, and I have seen
some pretty clever ones.

One of my favorites in Toronto was The Cheese one, where they used all sides of the billboard and made it into a giant block of cheese being greated.

Theres also more and more billboards now using solar power and/or wind power to produce the lighting that they require at night. These billboards aren't always the most interesting but I think that by using solar or wind power, that makes a statement on its own.

I found a blog with a lot of amazing billboards on it. A lot. It is actually on blog spot so you can subscribe to it and get notices when ever it updates.

Like this one that was up in Toronto over the holiday season. I never saw it personally but if I had I would have been in awe. The idea behind it is just so different from anything I have seen in Toronto/at all.

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