Saturday, March 29, 2008

Earth Hour

Look what google did in light of earth hour, no pun intended.

My house is definitely participating in Earth hour, I think it is a great opportunity to help a lot of people realize that the planet needs help. My mother, in fact, thought it was such a great idea that she decided we are going to hold this event twice a week. the net energy savings add up to about 12kW/h per month(we turn off computers as well). It may not sound like much, but it will build in time.

1 comment:

RayDar said...

Jackie I am a little disappointed to see that you didn't turn your laptop off during Earth Hour. I know you might have just been running off of battery power but you still should have turned it off. But I guess we wouldn't have seen what google did if it wasn't for you so I guess your even now lol.