Saturday, April 19, 2008

Current gas situation

Well if you have a car, and you drive it, you know that a good chunk of your money goes towards gas, especially now with that 1.20 per ltr hanging over our heads and talks of it reaching 1.50 in the approching summer, there is no escaping it.

Not to long ago, gas was .60 per ltr and people complained when it went up to .70.
Oh how I wish gas was .70 again... I would most certainly not complain.

Fortunately my car is fairly good on gas. On a normal school week, driving back and forth I will fill up my tank once, right now at the current price of gas, it is about $65.00 to fill.

compared to...

My step dad, who has a Chevy Avalanche, his truck is about $125.00 to fill right now.... and he would have to fill up twice a week if he drove back and forth to my school for a week

Talk about a heart attack every time you go to fill up

I would honestly dread it.

Anyways, theres a few websites that actually tells you where the cheapest gas is in Toronto/Surrounding areas.

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